
United Kingdom

Delivering 700 100% affordable housing units on two parcels of brownfield land within Local Authority ownership. The scheme was driven in its entirety by the requirements of the Local Authority.

Rents and specifications agreed upon before the planning and design phase to ensure deliverability through planning

The Local Authority required a blended scheme that catered for families as well as smaller households of younger workers

The scheme consists of houses and apartments.

Asset type: Development

Investment type: Mezzanine Funding

Forecast return: 20% + annual IRR*

Status: Complete


  1. Returns are not guaranteed.  Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. 

  2. Forecasts are based on assumptions and estimates.  Actual performance could differ materially and therefore it is not appropriate to rely on forecasts or assume that they will always be accurate.


Propertylink, Pre IPO


Bankstown, NSW